What to Expect at an Agility Fun Match

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You and your canine companion have worked for months, perhaps years, learning agility obstacles and handling techniques. Finally, you are ready for the next step-a fun match!

You may have been attending weekly classes, yet a fun match will be different. Follow these tips and have a successful fun match experience.

Prepare for the match by ensuring you have items you'll need for you and your dog. Review the following lists and pack the items that are appropriate for your match location.

Bring for your dog:

Bring for you:

Plan to get to the match early. Give your dog a chance to walk around and get comfortable. Even if the match is in familiar surroundings, there will likely be strange dogs and people.

Find a location for setting up your dog's "camp". Since you've arrived early, you'll be able to find a good spot for your dog. Bedding with a familiar scent, a favorite toy, along with water and a small treat, will help your dog feel comfortable.

Register for the events in which you're interested in participating. Ask questions if you are uncertain of what's expected of you and your dog. Ask about qualifying versus non-qualifying runs. You may wish to try to run qualified, which means you must follow rules such as no treats or touching the dog, but give yourself permission to use treats if needed. Whether it's a fun match or a sanctioned match, your goal should include having fun with your dog.

Volunteer to help set up. The club has expended a special effort to put on the fun match, and organizers typically appreciate all the help they can get. You may also get an extra opportunity to understand the course.

Before your run, walk your dog so he or she has a chance to limber up and become comfortable. Some dogs enjoy a quick game of tug or fetch before a run. Playing with your dog will help both of you relax. Practice some of the skills you'll need by taking advantage of the warmup jump. If your event uses a pause table, practice quick sits or downs. Ensure your dog has a chance to "potty" before your run. Even during a fun match, accidents in the ring are taboo.

Remember to change or remove your dog's collar, if the match rules require, before you enter the ring.

Expect to feel anxious as you enter the ring. When I participated in my first agility fun match, I was surprised to feel nervous! Deep breathing and calming thoughts should help; you don't want to communicate your nervousness to your dog. As you step into the ring, take a deep breath and smile. My husband took a picture of Zac and me as we waited to start our first run; I was horrified that my expression was that of someone facing a firing squad.

When running the course, use your happy-puppy voice and make it fun for you and your dog. Even though you were nervous before starting, when you actually run the course, you'll most likely be so focused on getting your dog through the course, you won't even notice the spectators.

When you are done running, take a moment to praise, play with, and treat your dog. Maybe she had a smooth run, maybe she didn't, but either way, you want to leave the dog feeling agility is fun. Savor the accomplishment of just running in the match; the important thing is that you and your partner participated.

Enjoy watching others' runs and other events. You can pick up handling tips by watching other handlers and dogs. You may learn about other events that you and your dog would like to participate in.

Now that you've lived through your first fun match, find other matches, fun or sanctioned, to challenge you and your dog. Or maybe you're ready for your first official trial!

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You've worked hard to get this far; now get the most out of your first fun match experience.

Last updated: 05/20/05
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Nigel, on top of the world, at a recent fun match.