Minnesota Mixed Breed Fun Match: 05/20/2005 Savage, Minnesota

It was the coldest May in 40 years, and it had rained for two weeks straight, but miraculously, the day of the Fun Match was gorgeous. After two weeks of inactivity, the dogs ran with enthusiasm, and most of them stayed more or less in the ring. Nigel the Beagle, Mitzi the Rat Terrier and Abby the Sheltie, also participated in the match but unfortunately , due to photographer incompetence, their photos did not turn out.

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Saigon and Lisa relax after two spectacular runs. Lisa felt she was out of practice, but she and Saigon handled the challenging outdoor course with aplomb.

Last updated: 05/20/05
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Pepsi and Opie, both beautiful and athletic Aussies, beg Dad to run again.

Connie, protected by Devlin the German Shepherd, discusses course strategy with Linda and Sherri, while Abby the Golden Retriever scopes out Nigel in his crate.

After enduring two weeks of rain and cold, Sophie the Lab soaks up the sun.

Kia (a German Shepherd) and Leanne prepare for their run. Leanne prepares by visualizing the obstacles, and Kia prepares by eating grass.

Our beloved toy-hound, Mojo, looks for a favorite in the back of Pepsi and Opie's truck.

Sushi, a sweet Japanese Chin, watches his brother run the course.

Zac thinks about settling down for a nap after his two runs. Of course, Zac thought about settling down for a nap before his two runs, and his handler was happy he didn't settle down for a nap during his two runs.

Gabe, a Bernese Mountain Dog, and Wenke, intently watch the competition.